Amsterdam Bible Academy


Missions and Evangelism

 •    Starting New Churches

•    Sharing the Good News

•    The Christian Church in Ministry

Practical Ministry Skills

•    Preaching and Teaching

•    People, Tasks, and Goals

•    Helping Christians Grow

•    Solving Life's Problems

Spiritual Development

•    The Responsible Christian

•    Abundant Living

•    Christian Maturity

•    Spiritual Gifts

•    Prayer and Worship

Biblical Studies

•    Tents, Temples, and Palaces

•    Alive in Christ

•    Understanding the Bible

•    Counselor, Teacher, and Guide

•    The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory

 •    Cornerstones of Truth

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Worship includes praise and service to God. Author Morris Williams introduces us to a new

life of prayer and worship. A closer look at the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples shows

that Jesus believed we cannot separate prayer and worship from our living. Prayer is never

 finished; it is part of everything we do. In this course, prayer is presented as the preparation

for worship, and worship is defined as constantly living in a way that pleases God and fulfills His purposes.



Most of our knowledge comes to us in two ways: from patterns and from principles. In this course,

author Billie Davis analyzesleadership from both perspectives and looks at examples of several of

God’s chosen leaders. Students are given the opportunityto consider these familiar biographical

studies of the Bible in a new context using the theme of leadership. The most advancedtheories of

leadership and human development are outlined, and the application of these theories in harmony

with Christian faith and practice is explained.



Author Ernest Pettry demonstrates how to communicate God’s message effectively through

preaching and teaching. These two methods of sharing God’s Word are alike in many ways.

Yet during the history of the Christian church, each method has developed some distinctive

 characteristics. This course points out the advantages of both methods and helps prepare

the reader to use them in the best manner for evangelizing the unreached and providing for the

spiritual development and maturity of those that are ministered to.



Ever since the church began on the Day of Pentecost, the followers of Christ have been planting

churches all over the world. Author Larry Pate shows us the value of having the direction of the Holy

Spirit in planning strategy for the founding of new churches. The Bible gives the principles and

purposes that are the guidelines to planting the church in every culture and people group.



Christian maturity is the aim of every believer and the goal is to reach "the very height of

Christ's full stature" (Ephesians 4:13). In this 192-page course, Rick Howard teaches that

although we cannot become completely like Christ, we are to reach for this highest of goals

that the Bible sets for us, since this will enable us to achieve more than accomplishing a goal

 that is too low.



Perhaps you thought that God’s redemptive plan ended with Christ’s death on the Cross. However,

Jesus passed on to His church the ministry of reaching the world with the message of salvation.

Author Jesse Miranda teaches that the Great Commission given by Christ is the church’s authority

to act for God. The church has not been left to carry on the work alone, however, for Christ sent His

Holy Spirit to be our Helper. The Holy Spirit works in and through us to fulfill the redemptive plan of

God. Ever since the church began on the Day of Pentecost, the followers of Christ have been

planting churches all over the world. Author Larry Pate shows us the value of having the direction of

the Holy Spirit in planning strategy for the founding of new churches. The Bible gives the principles

and purposes that are the guidelines to planting the church in every culture and people group.



Salvation is the crucial subject of this 275-page course by David Duncan, and the definition

is broadened to include everything that was purchased at Calvary. Salvation is shown to

 include not only the forgiveness of the sins of the past and deliverance from the power of sin

in the present, but also protection against the depredations that could be brought on by sin in

the future. All of the spiritual needs of man are met by the redemption provided by Christ on the




As you have probably discovered, the teachings in the Bible are not presented according to topics.

For example, the book of Genesis does not give us a complete explanation of the Godhead, nor does

any other single book. An important way to study the Bible is to find all the teachings related to a

certain topic. Authors Floyd Woodworth, Jr. and David Duncan will follow this kind of systematic

study to see what the Scriptures teach about the universe and its Ruler, about humankind and the

structure God has chosen for human development. Students will also discover what the Bible has to

say about the future.



When you are having problems, do you know where to find answers? Author Dorothy

Johns helps you turn your problems into victories. There are no clear-cut solutions for

some of the problems that confront us. However, the Bible gives guidelines for finding

solutions to many of life’s problems. It is not God’s will that Christians be defeated.

As you study this course and apply the principles of problem solving, you will discover the

 wonderful blessing of allowing your problem-solver, Jesus Christ, to help you.


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